Ministry Donations
Our online giving is processed through a third party, so please send an email to our office at outlining the payment made and its designation.To give to the ministry online, please click the relevant link below.
For other giving options, please keep scrolling!

School Payments
DTS payments are processed as school fees for training with U of N, and are not given a tax-deductible receipt. The links below are specifically for students paying their tuition.
To give a general donation to a DTS please use the section above "Ministry Donations" to give to the group hosting the DTS you'd like to support.
Teams, Volunteers & Staff Online Payment
Whether you are coming alone or with a team, making a partial deposit or full payment, use the first link below to pay by credit card. Payments attract a 2% service charge.
The second link is only to make a payment on a staff account, which is not tax deductible.
Once you've paid, please send an email to with the amount paid in and your name/ team's name for our internal bookkeeping.

Wire Transfer
This may be a more affordable method for making large payments than via credit card.
Wire transfers attract bank fees of almost $50USD on our end, separate from the bank charges on your end! Ask your bank what this looks like so that you can factor those fees into your final payment amount, as these fees are not included in whatever ministry cost quote you were given. See our wire transfer information below!
Remember to email us at after making payment to ensure we anticipate the payment.
Bank to Bank
For persons with a local Jamaican bank account, feel free to make bank to bank transfers online using the information below:
Youth With A Mission BNS Accounts
(Fairview Financial Centre Branch 90605):
JMD Business Chequeing- 258016
USD Savings- 906073075
Send us an email to confirm name and amount paid at

Send a Check
Please note that each check attracts a 2% processing fee.
Include a separate note with check stating the amount is for YWAM Jamaica; Do not use the memo section of the actual check!
Additionally, as these payments are processed through a third party and take some time to get to us, we'd like a short email sent to alerting us to the details of your payment.
Mail Checks to:
YWAM Caribbean Partners Inc.
625 Schoolhouse Rd, Suite #3
Lakeland, FL 33813